Bunch Of Deals values our users and is 100% committed to protect your privacy. Since this is a growing app and Internet technologies are constantly evolving, our privacy policy is subject to change and any change will be reflected in this page.
Upon registration your
are collected and are required to use all features of Bunch Of Deals app
Optionally, you may enter information into your profile which is located in My Account/profile page of the app.
We do not allow businesses to register as guest visitors. Businesses are welcome to use the app as a user. Any deal posting requires full registration and approval from the admin and agreement to the payment terms.
Cookies are a small text file that is transferred to your hard drive or the internal memory of your mobile device. Bunch Of Deals App and its website use cookies to make the browsing experience more efficient, and to help you use Bunch Of Deals app and its website to their full potential.
They help you to personalise your experience with our app, allowing you to engage with the Bunch Of Deals community fully. Our cookies enable you to share, save, send requests and stay signed in while you use the app
They ensure your sign up process is as efficient as possible, we use cookies as a way to authenticate you as a registered user, allowing you to fully personalise your user profile and settings.
We will only use the information you have provided lawfully. Under no circumstances will any of your personal information be passed on or sold to any third party, at any time. All information collected is kept securely on our servers and backups to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you on this website.
Personal information is stored and transferred on servers located in Australia.
Users can view personal information about their account by logging into Bunch Of Deals and navigating to My Account. Users can change their personal details such as their username or email address, password and profile picture within the Account settings.
Complaints about a privacy issue can be made by making a request through the email address provided. Admin will discuss the issue and work on a resolution with the user in a reasonable timeframe.