Terms & Conditions – For - VENDORS

Terms and Conditions of Use

The term “the Bunch Of Deals app” or “this site” included within the following paragraphs, refer specifically to all online facilities provided by Bunch Of Deals through the app and the Bunch Of Deals website.

Business use

This service is made available to businesses as a means to advertise for sale, their goods and services for their businesses only. Any public or private corporation, organisation, office, individual store or chain of stores and an individual with an ABN will be considered as a business. Every reference to a business in these paragraphs will include all of the above mentioned entities. All businesses must provide current and accurate identification, contact details and other information that may be required as part of the registration process and/or continued use of Bunch Of Deals app and its website. Businesses are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their login details, account password and username. Bunch Of Deals does not share these details to any third party. Refer to our Bunch Of Deals privacy policy regarding what details of the business will be passed on to public and third parties.

Bunch Of Deals reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime without notice and without stating any reason.

Proper Use

You agree that you are responsible for your own communications and for any consequences thereof. Your use of the Service is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with the Agreement. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence.

You are not authorised to, and you shall not:

  1. Copy any content and use it on any other platform or website without the approval and consent of Bunch Of Deals.
  2. Post any part of the app or website to any platform that is deemed illegal by the law or government.
  3. Take screen shots of any page and use it on any other website or any other platform without consent and authorisation from Bunch Of Deals..
  4. Post any illicit, illegal or pornographic products or advertisement via the app nor encourage others to do so, on your behalf.
  5. Post any products or advertisement that promotes any religious, political or socially sensitive material or encourage any other entity to do so on your behalf.
  6. Post any products or advertisements that are deemed offensive, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory, considered as harassment or eluding to slander of other businesses.
  7. Post any deals that are fraudulent, inappropriate or illegal in purpose and could be deemed impossible in nature.
  8. Prevent others from using the Service.
  9. Act in any way that violates the Program Policies, as may be revised from time to time.

Any businesses deemed to be in violation with the above mentioned terms with be temporarily suspended or result in permanent deletion from the app. In such cases please refer to our Refund Policy. Future access to the Bunch Of Deals app and this website will be at sole discretion of Bunch Of Deals.

We will not be held responsible for third party posts on our social media pages. You will be responsible for content you post on our social media pages, and you must not post content that:

  • • Breaches the terms of use of the relevant social media service provider.
  • • Is defamatory or in contempt of legal proceedings.
  • • Is misleading or deceptive.
  • • That is offensive, including discriminatory against race, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity or religion.
  • • Contains religious or political material.
  • • Is indecent, obscene or pornographic.
  • • Infringes any third party intellectual property rights.
  • • Contains any promotional or advertising material.
  • • Contains or links to computer viruses, malware, spyware or similar software.

Bunch Of Deals reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to investigate your use of the Service in order to determine whether a violation of the Agreement has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

Multiple accounts held by the same business or entity are allowed but any activity deemed to be objectionable or against the above mentioned terms may be subject to immediate termination without prior notice unless authorised, excused or exempted by Bunch Of Deals. In this case please refer to our Refund policies.

Registration and usage of the Bunch Of Deals app and the website

Bunch Of Deals reserves the right to display, modify and delete deals from the app without any prior notice. All deals displayed are sole property of the business that advertises the deal and Bunch Of Deals is not obliged to negotiate, arbitrate, mediate or intervene with the users or the business in case a dispute arises.


All deals published on the app will be subject to approval by Bunch Of Deals. Deals may be rejected for valid reasons but vendor will not be charged for a rejected deal.

Any rejected deal will be explained with the reason of rejection and can be sent for approval after fixing or correcting the reason.

Deal may be rejected for publication on app if:

  1. Deals are deemed inappropriate, illegal or any of the reasons mentioned above in “you are not authorised and you shall not” section of terms and conditions. Such deals will not be approved at all.
  2. Deals that have inappropriate photos of pornographic nature will be rejected.
  3. Deal with poor proof reading, incorrect or incomplete sentences may be rejected or if approved, vendor will be notified of the error and deal can be edited again. Every edited deal will be subject to approval from Bunch Of Deals.

All deals displayed on the app:

  1. Are Owned and property of the business that is advertising its products or services.
  2. Are not on sale or on offer from Bunch Of Deals, hence Bunch Of Deals will not be obliged to provide or deliver/assist in providing or delivering the goods and service advertised in the deal to the users.
  3. Are subject to a time bound limitation selected by the business. If the deal is expired or marked as out of stock, It is solely in discretion with the business to/not to provide the User with the deal as advertised. Bunch Of Deals is not obliged and will not intervene, negotiate, arbitrate, mediate or intervene on behalf of the business or visa versa. Bunch Of Deals will not be responsible to provide any compensation to the business or user for such matter.
  4. All saved deals on the user’s local device will be subject to be redeemed while the deal is active and not expired. After the expiration date of the deal, any saved deal on the user’s local device will be deemed not valid and non-current and providing such deals will be solely at the discretion of the business.
  5. All saved deals on the user’s local device that are expired are programmed to remain as saved even though expired for the user as a reference. It will be the responsibility of the user to pre arrange with the business to avail the deal after expiration. It will remain at the discretion of the business.
  6. Any goods or services advertised on the app will be designed, photographed, uploaded and offered by the business. It is the responsibility of the business to ensure accuracy of the description, photos, prices and percentages of discount displayed and Bunch Of Deals has no ownership of it and does not guarantee of its accuracy and will not be responsible for any discrepancies. Bunch Of Deals will not be responsible to cover any losses for the business.
  7. All businesses are entitled to complaints and compliments regarding the deals and the User’s on the app, that Bunch Of Deals may or may not respond to, but Bunch Of Deals will not be responsible to provide outcomes.
  8. All locations and distances shown on the app for the deals and your businesses are approximate and distances calculated are air routes and not road map based. Actual distances may vary depending on the user’s actual location, route taken and traffic on the given route. Bunch Of Deals will not be responsible if any delays occur, if deals expire before the user reaches the business or business trading hours are not met due to travel time. In any such event it will be the sole discretion of the business to provide the user with the deal. It will be user’s responsibility to provision reasonable amount of travel time.

Tariffs and refund

  • • All prices given to the business are subject to change without prior notice.
  • • All deals will be considered on number of deals per store or for the type of subscriptions.
  • • All free and promotional periods and their related tariffs are subject to change without prior notice.
  • • All payments are to be made through Bunch Of Deals website payment gateway in AUD.
  • • All payments made to Bunch Of Deals by businesses will in the Bunch Of Deals Vendor account’s subscription section. The type of the subscription will not change without prior notice. In case of any changes, appropriate provisions and adjustments will be given to business to cover the full value of payments made.
  • • Each deal/offer is bound to a time limit in relations to the period the deal/offer is advertised, which can be customised by vendor at the time of deal creation. This may be subject to change in future with prior notice and appropriate provisions to cover full cost of payments.
  • • Free, complimentary and promotional credit points may have a different time limit and may be subject to expiry without usage. Bunch Of Deals will not be responsible for such unused credit points.
  • • All cases of refunds will be dealt diligently and honestly.

Business will be eligible for a refund if

  • • All deals that are rejected by Bunch Of Deals will be not be charged. In case, if found that such deals were charged despite of rejection, will be refunded accordingly.
  • • The business chooses to close the account.
  • • Any issues found to be an error on Bunch Of Deals end will be fully refunded in credit in vendor’s account.
  • • If the deals are not displayed on the app due to any technical reason, such deals will be refunded in credit.

Business will not be eligible for a refund if

  • • Any deals that are marked as out of stock before the expiration date of the deal, such will not be refunded on a pro rata base. Such deals will not be refunded at all. Deals are charged on a fixed time limit and/or until stock lasts.
  • • Any inaccuracy in the description, photo, pricing or discount offered that may result in unavailability of the product or the business not being able to provide the deal will not be refunded unless Bunch Of Deals deems it refundable.
  • • If the business decides to discontinue the deal before its expiration date, such deal will not be refunded on a pro rata base. Such deal will not be refunded at all.
  • • Any deal published by mistake will be only refunded if the vendor contacts Bunch Of Deals within 2 hours of publishing the deal.
  • • Due to breach of any of the terms of use, if any vendor account is deleted or suspended by Bunch Of Deals, it may result in loss of deals published on the app. Such deals will not be refunded and any unused credits in the vendor account may or may not be refunded. Sole discretion remains with Bunch Of Deals.

Editing deals on the app

All unpublished deals on the app can be edited by the Vendor only. Once the vendor publishes the deal, it will remain with Bunch Of Deals to be approved before it goes live on the app. Once the deal is published by the vendor it can be edited despite it being pending for approval.

Your Intellectual Property Rights

Bunch Of Deals does not claim any ownership in any of the content, including any text, data files, images, or other material, that is uploaded by the vendor or business. We will not use any of your content for any purpose except to provide you with the Service or as required by law. However, by registering on Bunch Of Deals you have granted Bunch Of Deals permanent and irrevocable right to store data on your our servers and local device. Please refer cookies from Bunch Of Deals privacy policy for more information.


As a condition to using the Service, you agree to the terms of the Bunch Of Deals Privacy Policy as it may be updated from time to time. Bunch Of Deals understands that privacy is important to you. You do, however, agree that Bunch Of Deals may monitor, edit or disclose your personal information, including the content of your emails, if required to do so in order to comply with any valid legal process or governmental request

Termination; Cancellation

You may cancel your use of the Services and/or terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by providing notice to Bunch Of Deals, however a terminated account may continue to exist and archived in the database indefinitely, for data integrity reason. Bunch Of Deals may at any time and for any reason terminate the Services, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate your account. In the event of termination, your account will be disabled and you may not be granted access to your account or any files or other content contained in your account although residual copies of information may remain in our system.

All unused credits will be refunded to the vendor upon request.


You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Bunch Of Deals, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the Service, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, Bunch Of Deals will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action.